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MIX11 윈도우폰 발표자료 보기

Windows Phone Mango Specific Sessions

1. Day 2 Keynote - Joe Belfiore & Scott Guthrie

2. What’s Coming Next to the Windows Phone Application Platform - Andrew Clinick

3. Multitasking in the Next Version of Windows Phone, Part I - Darin Miller

4. Multitasking in the Next Version of Windows Phone, Part II: Using Background Agents - Peter Torr

5. Get Ready for Fast Application Switching in Windows Phone - Adina Trufinescu

6. What’s New in the Windows Phone Developer Tools? - Vibhor Agarwal

7. Sensor and Camera Access in the Next Version of Windows Phone - Mark Paley

8. Enhanced Push Notifications & Live Tiles for Windows Phone - Thomas Fennel

9. What’s New for Windows Phone Development with the XNA Framework? - Brian Hudson

10. Going Mobile with Your Site on Internet Explorer 9 and Windows Phone 7 - Joe Marini

11. What’s New for Windows Phone Development with Silverlight? - Shawn Oster

12. Creating Windows Phone Applications Using Expression Blend - Unni Ravindranathan

13. Making Money with Your Application on Windows Phone - Todd Brix

14. New Data Access Features Coming to Windows Phone - Sean McKenna

15. Windows Phone Architecture – Deep Dive - Istvan Cseri


Other Windows Phone Sessions, (not Mango Specific)

1. Application Design for Windows Phone - Megan Donahue

2. Expert Lessons: Top Tips to Building a Successful Windows Phone Application - Stefan Wick

3. Building Windows Phone 7 Applications with the Windows Azure Platform - Wade Wegner

4. Analyzing and Improving Windows Phone Application Performance - Jeff Wilcox


Windows Phone Sessions from Third Parties

1. XNA Game Studio for Fun, Profit, Danger, Excitement and Windows Phone 7 Games - Rob Miles

2. Who Would Pay For That Feature? Adding Analytics to Your Windows Phone 7 Applications - David Poeschl

3. Rx: A Library for Managing Asynchronous Data and Events in Your Windows Phone 7 Application - Jim Wooley

4. Flickr API: Tap Into Billions of Photos for Windows Phone 7 - Markus Spiering

5. All Thumbs: Redesigning an Existing UI to Suit Windows Phone 7 - Ward Bell

6. The Tale of Two Apps: Making a Splash in the Windows Phone Marketplace - András Velvárt, Bálint Orosz

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